• An aspect ratio  is an attribute that describes the relation ship between the width and height of an image.
  • It is expressed by the symbolic notation of X:Y.
  • It is used to move designs, images, and compress digital video files, images to required measurements in order to fit in any medium.
  • Aspect ratio formula = width/height.
  • By using this aspect ratio, we will be able to better resize all sorts of images in order to use them on our website blog and Facebook.
  • Using this aspect ratio is easy as well, divide the original height by the original width and multiply the number by the new width, and this will give the correct height for edited image.
      For example,
  • Original image width=1600 and height=1200, it needs to be tale down to new width=400pixels,
        new height=(width/height)*new width=(1200/1600)*400=300
        new aspect ratio=4/3.
  • Some common aspect ratios are 
  • Examples for different aspect ratios