• It is a hardware component that allows a computer or other device, such as a router to connect to the Internet.
  • It converts or modulates an analog signal from a telephone or cable wire to a digital signal that a computer can recognize.
  • Similarly, it converts outgoing digital data from a computer or other device to an analog signal.

    Types of modem:
     Modems has been divided based on the usage and internet connection
     - Dial-up modems:
  • It is the oldest form of internet connection. They had to dial a phone number to connect to an internet.
  • These modems operated over standard analog phone lines and used the same frequencies as telephone calls, which limited their maximum data transfer rate to 56 Kbps
  • Dial-up modems also required full use of the local telephone line, meaning voice calls would interrupt the Internet connection.
  • A disadvantage is website pages load slowly, and downloading files is time-consuming.
Image result for how dial up modem looks
     - DSL modems:
  • DSL modems operate over standard telephone lines, but use a wider frequency range. 
  • Even though DSL modem service requires a phone line, subscribers can still use phone services while online. 
  • This allows for higher data transfer rates than dial-up modems.
  • The connection speed will not be diminished by large numbers of other users.
  • A disadvantage is higher costs than dial-up.
     - Cable modems:
  • Cable modems send and receive data over standard cable television lines, which are typically coaxial cables. It is considered to be the high speed internet. It provide internet access for your TV. 
  • Cable modem services can slow down significantly if many people in your service area access the internet simultaneously.
  • A disadvantage of cable Internet service is that it costs more than DSL or a dial-up connection. It is available only from specific cable TV networks in your area. 
  • Connection speed is determined by the quantity of people in your neighborhood using cable equipment simultaneously as you.