  • A Bit is the smallest unit of information that can be stored or manipulated on a computer
  • It represents one of two binary values,either 0 or 1. 
  • These values can also represent logic values, such as on and off  or true and false.
  • These are used to represent the IP addresses and MAC addresses in Network communications.
      For example, IP address =, it consists of 32 bits of data.
  • These are used to measure the color depth in display graphics.
  • Networking  speeds are usually quoted in bits-per-second.
         For example, the speed of 100 megabits of data transfer, can be 100Mbps.
  • The Byte is the unit of information that commonly consists of eight bits.
Image result for byte definition computer
  • It can represent a number, a letter or  any other information a computer can use.
          For example, 
     1.The letter "A" would be 01000001  
     2.Representation of number in byte                                                                                                                                       
    3.It is used to measure the file size or the amount of RAM in the computer.
    4.Due to the massive increase in storage capacity over time, now we are using 8 different types of bytes ranges from kilobytes to yottabytes.