• In binary number system we have two digits 0 and 1. 
  • Computer stores all kinds of  data and information in terms of  binary numbers. It includes audio, video, text and numbers.
          Image result for binary number system example
  • The base of binary number system is  2.
  • In this system each new column is two times the previous column value.
         For example, 
  • Conversion of binary to decimal
      1.101012 =1×24+0×23+1×22+0×21+1×2= 16+4+1= 21
      2.1000112 = 1×25+0×24+0×23+0×22+1×21+1×20=32+2+1= 35
  • Conversion of decimal to binary number.       
  • Conversion of binary to hexadecimal