- A primary color is a color that cannot be made from a combination of any other colors.
- A secondary color is a color created from a combination of two primary colors.
- Printers and artists have different definitions for primary colors.
- Additive and subtractive are the two primary methods for reproducing a range of color.
- It is a method to create color by mixing a number of different light colors, with shades of red, green, and blue being the most common primary colors used in additive color system.
- Red + Green = Yellow
- Red + Blue = Magenta
- Green + Blue = Cyan
- Computer monitors and televisions are the most common examples of additive color.
Subtractive Color:
- Subtractive color synthesis is the creation of color by mixing colors of pigment, such as paint or ink in computer and printer.
- It is contrast to additive colors.
- The subtractive primaries cyan, magenta, and yellow are those colors whose wavelengths can be filtered or absorbed in different proportions to produce all other colors.