• Spaces can be defined as positive and negative.
  • Positive space is the filled space, the object (or) element in the design.
  • Negative space is the empty space, or the open space between elements (or) objects, such as background.
  • Negative space are called as White space.
  • Despite its name, whitespace does not need to be white. It can be any color, texture, pattern, or even a background image. 
  • White space is important because it plays a major role in contributing to the overall readability and organization of a design.
      - Makes text easier for users to scan.
     - Helps to create natural grouping of similar elements.
    - Helps make heavy blocks of text easier to read. 
Types of white space:
 There are two types of white space
  • Active White Space: The white space is used to enhance page structure and it gives focus to the content area. It helps to  guide the user through the page’s content.
  • Passive white space : Applied to improve the aesthetics of the layout without guiding the user through a specific reading, flow, or content order.   
Uses of white space in web design:
  • Apple uses whitespace to focus attention on its gorgeous products

  • Dropbox uses child-like illustrations and calming white space to soothe the fears of the technophobic