• The process of related elements are placed together is called Proximity. Any unrelated items, should be spaced out.
  • It indicates that elements are connected (or) have a relationship to each other and become one visual unit which helps to organise (or) give structure to a layout.
  • Also called "grouping," the principle concerns the effect generated when the collective presence of the set of elements becomes more meaningful than their presence as separate elements.
  • A good sense of proximity in design can help differentiate visual elements to make design more comprehensible.
  • We can be achieved proximity with
     - Color:

   - Shape:
    - Size:  
Uses of proximity:
     1. To Create Connections
  • Proximity can create relationships between visual elements in a composition, create relevance, hierarchy, create organization and structure.
     2. To Dispel Connections
  • Proximity can also be used to suggest no relationship between elements, to break organization and structure.


  Books arranged in library                           
Proximity in vegetables