• In typography gaps between words is called spacing.
  • Typographers modify the spacing of letters (or) words in a body of type to aid readability.
  • There are two directions in which we can control spacing:
     1. Horizontal spacing
     2. Vertical sapcing
  • Horizontal spacing: 
     - Kerning and tracking are two terms used in horizontal spacing.
    - Kerning is the process of adjusting the space between individual letters. Often when  working with type, we notice pairs of letters that appear too close together or too far apart.  
      - Most fonts have a set of rules that determine the spacing between specific characters.

     - It’s impossible to make letter-by-letter kerning adjustments. One of the CSS properties, adjust the letter-spacing, which is known as tracking.
  • Vertical spacing: 
     - In print design language, the vertical space between lines of text known as leading.
     - When there were no added spaces, the lines were said to be "solid." Text with added vertical space is much easier to read.
     - As you can see in the first paragraph in below figure the default spacing between lines of text is very small.
     - In the second paragraph, we have adjusted the CSS line-height property "line-height: 1.5em".
     - An em is a CSS unit that measures the size of a font, from the top of a font's cap height to the bottom of its lowest descender.


Used for image

Used for name plates

Used for newspaper headings