• Speech is the most natural form of human-human communications.
  • Speech may be a more intuitive way of accessing information, controlling things, and communicating.
 Purpose of Speech Processing:
  • To understand speech as a means of communication.
  • To represent speech for transmission and reproduction.
  • To analyze speech for automatic recognition and extraction of information.
  • To discover some physiological characteristics of the talker.
Block Diagram of Speech Processing:
  • The above figure shows a block diagram of a generic speech encoding system.
  • In this, the A-to-D converter converts the analog speech signal to a sampled waveform representation.
  • The digital signal is analyzed and coded by digital computation algorithms to produce a new digital signal that can be transmitted over a digital communication channel.
  • The procedure to convert digitized speech signal with higher bit rate to lower bit rate is called compression. 
Used for Radio systems

Used for voice recordings